
Apple And Google May Bring Gemini To iPhones

Apple And Google May Bring Gemini To iPhones

Date: March 19, 2024

Apple and Google are discussing introducing Gemini’s generative AI feature to iPhones as part of their AI introduction efforts.

Generative AI is a powerful artificial intelligence tool that Apple has been silently investing in for the last two years. After many rumors, the official results are finally coming to light. Apple and Google are in negotiation to introduce Gemini AI to iPhones. According to a recent report by Bloomberg’s Mark Gurnman, AI features will be launched on all iOS 18 devices this year.

This partnership can significantly help Gemini regain its reputation after its recent roll-back of the platform due to high inaccuracies. Until now, most generative AI usage has been done on computer models. Bringing Gemini’s generative AI features to a mobile device with the highest market share can be a game-changer. 

While Apple is already working on bringing its in-house AI features to iOS 18 versions and above, they mostly run on its devices. Expanding to Google’s cloud will scale the number of features and processing speed, including generating hyper-realistic AI images on single prompts.

However, this partnership also indicates that Apple has not met the expectations it set around developing in-house AI capabilities. Earlier, it was reportedly testing its big language model Ajax, while many employees were given access to an AI chatbot called Apple GPT. Gurnman cited multiple sources denoting Apple’s inferior AI capabilities compared to Google and other rivals.

The report states that Google and Apple’s final decision on their partnership will be tentatively announced in June. That’s when Apple usually holds one of its major events, the Worldwide Developers Conference. On the other hand, Apple will offer Google’s Gemini to return to the market with a ready audience of roughly 900 million Apple users. Gurnman also noted that it's possible that Apple could ultimately decide to outsource generative AI technology to other players like OpenAI or Anthropic. 

AI has caused multiple collaborative environments between big tech giants. Microsoft and OpenAI took the stage last year. This year, Apple and Google may become the biggest partnership.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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