
Android Oreo Reaches Nearly 4.6% Devices In April Distribution Number

Android Oreo Reaches Nearly 4.6% Devices In April Distribution Number

Date: April 07, 2024

Oreo doesn’t seem to be sweeter than Nougat

Android skipped the distribution reports for March but Google’s very own mobile distribution system is back with the reports for the month of April. The reports are still disappointingly low as compared to any other Android version release report. Although it’s just eight months since the official release, the number has only grown to a meager 4.6% of all Android-powered devices. 

Android 8.0 has jumped from 0.8 percent in February to 4.1 percent in April, which is, of course, an impressive hike of around 3.3 percent. The latest Android 8.1 seems to get a marginal 0.2 percent increase from the previous 0.3 in February to 0.5 percent in April. Though the number is anything but impressive, it still seems to be better if compared with older reports of previous months. 

The increase in the Oreo market share is because of the involvement of OEM or original equipment manufacturers who keep rolling out the updates for the older versions. Additionally, a number of companies are taking interest in making their devices available in the market with pre-installed Android 8.0 that is helping the latest Android version to increase the number of profit share.

Android Stat

Image Source: 9to5google

Meanwhile, the shares for Android 7.0 increased with a .7 to reach 23% in total, and the 7.1 version saw a rise of 1.6 points to reach 7.8%. The combining share of both of these versions gets very near to a total of 30.8%, which come out as a winner from the last month’s 28.5%, which makes it the most utilized versions among all other used versions of Android.
For Marshmallow the shares fell to 26 percent that was a 2.1 percent decline from the previous version. Shares for Lollipop 5.0 and 5.1 merged together to make a total of 22.9%. Among all these increments, KitKat is at 10.5% and Jelly Bean fell to 4.5%. While the profit share for Ice Cream Sandwich remains at .4% and Gingerbread at .3%

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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