
AI Has Made Valentine’s Day Dark For 77% of Indians

AI Has Made Valentine’s Day Dark For 77% of Indians

Date: February 14, 2024

AI has become the favorite tool for people to craft and send romantic messages. But it has also become a hotspot for scammers to conduct dark practices.

Love is in the air, but it is mixed with the essence of Artificial Intelligence. With more people believing in AI, its usage has extended to individuals communicating through AI-generated messages. Shocking revelations have come to light in a survey conducted among 7,000 people across 7 countries. While some of them shed a positive light, many of them uncover AI's dark reality.

The survey, named Modern Love, focuses on Indians as they tend to be the largest consumers of AI-generated content for romance. The study revealed that nearly 77% of Indians have encountered at least one fake profile generated and completely handled by AI. The interaction mostly occurred on top dating apps and popular social media platforms. About 26% of people realized in the later stage that they were talking to an AI bot.

Despite AI's risks to the genuine nature of romantic engagement, 81% of Indians observed better responses to AI-generated messages than their own. About 56% of people consider using AI to generate Valentine’s Day communications. The study concluded a positive bent towards AI regarding its usage for romance.

But, we never know who out of the 56% of people may become a potential scammer. In terms of usage, the rapid surge comes with inadequate regulations surrounding its legal usage. Underaged children are getting easy access to AI tools, as most online AI tools don’t conduct thorough background checks to allow access. The freedom of original creativity without restrictions that prevent fraud can facilitate a broader scam probability this Valentine’s Day.

Users should practice maximum online dating safety during this period. Checking the genuineness of dating profiles, identifying computer-generated responses, and trusting based on physical proof are some of the top priorities for this romantic week. AI is acting like a double-edged sword that can create as much damage as it provides support. With no tech giants providing adequate monitoring and safety support, it is now in the hands of the users to stay safe and find love that doesn’t just feel real but ends up being real.

Arpit Dubey

By Arpit Dubey LinkedIn Icon

Arpit is a dreamer, wanderer, and a tech nerd who loves to jot down tech musings and updates. With a logician mind, he is always chasing sunrises and tech advancements while secretly preparing for the robot uprising.

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