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WhatsApp Chat Filters Launched For Improved Management fold icon

WhatsApp Chat Filters Launched For Improved Management

WhatsApp has recently launched a new feature to make the interface more organized and chats easily accessible. The latest introduction on the app is WhatsApp chat filters, which divide the home screen

Meta’s Oversight Board Actively Reviewing AI-Nudity Reports

The risks of AI are deepening with every advancement, and the rise of deepfake technology is making things even more dra...

Meta’s Oversight Board Actively Reviewing AI-Nudity Reports
GTA Maker Lays Off 5% Staff, Scraps Multiple Projects.

If you were a kid in the 90s, you would remember the name Grand Theft Auto starkly. The entire GTA series has become one...

GTA Maker Lays Off 5% Staff, Scraps Multiple Projects.
Adobe Partners With OpenAI To Share AI Capabilities

Adobe is in the early stages of forming a strategic partnership with OpenAI. The partnership will allow third-party gene...

Adobe Partners With OpenAI To Share AI Capabilities
X Will Start Charging New Users For Posting

Twitter, which was renamed X after Elon Musk acquired the company, has introduced a new user fee. The platform is underg...

X Will Start Charging New Users For Posting

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