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Byju’s CEO Arjun Mohan Gets Voted Out By Board, Resigns fold icon

Byju’s CEO Arjun Mohan Gets Voted Out By Board, Resigns

The founder of India’s biggest EdTech platform, Byju Raveendran, is returning after four years. After the investors ousted the company's existing CEO, Arjun Mohan, and reduced his involvemen

Not Everyone Is Happy About Gen AI Transforming Healthcare!

Has Generative AI come a long way? Has it successfully transformed the healthcare industry, or has it barely scratched t...

Not Everyone Is Happy About Gen AI Transforming Healthcare!
Elon Musk’s xAI Seeks $4 Billion To Rival OpenAI

Elon Musk has been dominating every industry he touches. From the impressive success of SpaceX and the recent takeover o...

Elon Musk’s xAI Seeks $4 Billion To Rival OpenAI
WhatsApp Chooses India As Its Testing Ground For Meta AI Features

Meta is testing AI-powered features for select Indian users, marking a significant advancement in its AI offerings. The ...

WhatsApp Chooses India As Its Testing Ground For Meta AI Features
Apple Sends Mercenary Attack Warning To Users in 92 Countries

Apple has sent threat notifications to iPhone users in 92 countries at 12 PM (Pacific Time) on Wednesday, warning them a...

Apple Sends Mercenary Attack Warning To Users in 92 Countries

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